Newcastle United | Cookie Policy


Our website uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website. This helps us to provide you with a good experience when you browse our website and also allows us to improve our site.

A cookie is a small file of letters and numbers that we store on your browser or the hard drive of your computer if you agree. Cookies contain information that is transferred to your computer's hard drive.

We use the following cookies:

  • Strictly necessary cookies. These are cookies that are required for the operation of our website. These essential cookies are always enabled because our website won’t work properly without them. They include, for example, cookies that enable you to log into secure areas of our website, use a shopping cart or make use of e-billing services. You can switch off these cookies in your browser settings, but you may then not be able to access all or parts of our website.
  • Analytical or performance cookies. These allow us to recognise and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around our website when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example, by ensuring that users are finding what they are looking for easily.
  • Functionality cookies. These are used to recognise you when you return to our website. This enables us to personalise our content for you, greet you by name and remember your preferences (for example, your choice of language or region).
  • Targeting cookies. These cookies record your visit to our website, the pages you have visited and the links you have followed. We will use this information to make our website and the advertising displayed on it more relevant to your interests. [We may also share this information with third parties for this purpose so that they can serve you with relevant advertising on their websites.

You can find more information about the individual cookies we use and the purposes for which we use them below, including retention periods.

Strictly Necessary First Party Cookies


Used in connection with buyer localization (30 minutes).


Used in connection with customer login (1 year).


Shopify store localization (1 year).


Used in connection with shopping cart (1 year).


Used in connection with checkout (1 hour).


Used for the functionality of the cookies consent banner (1 year).


Used to identify session from locales outside of the UK (session only).


Used for consent in locales outside of the UK (1 year).


Tracking a users privacy preferences (1 day).


Used for managing customer privacy settings (1 day).


This cookie is provided by the Geolocation app and is used to load the bar (session only).


Used in connection with shopping cart (1 week).


Used to ensure our systems are working correctly (session only).


Strictly Necessary Third-Party Cookies


This cookie identifies the browser between browsing session (1year).


It identifies the browser between browsing sessions (1 year).



Performance First Party Cookies



Tracks user referral source (2 weeks).


Tracks landing pages (2 weeks).


Shopify analytics (1 year).


Shopify analytics (30 minutes).


Shopify analytics relating to marketing and referrals (30 minutes).


Shopify analytics relating to marketing and referrals (30 minutes).


Performance Third-Party Cookies


Enables the service to distinguish one visitor from another (2 years).



Targeting Third-Party Cookies


Cookie is placed by Google Tag Manager to track conversions (3 months).



To measure and improve the performance of your advertising campaigns and to personalize the user's experience (including ads) on TikTok (1 year).

Tik Tok


Cookie is placed by Facebook to track visits across websites (3 months).



Used to identify a user (1 year).

Tik Tok


To deactivate the use of third-party advertising cookies, you may visit the relevant consumer page to manage the use of these types of cookies include link to consent management solution.

To opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics across all websites, visit

You can choose which cookies we can set by clicking into the cookie banner.

You can also choose to "Reject All" cookies in the cookie banner.

If you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of our website.